الاثنين، 18 أبريل 2016

Education in Vietnam

Education in Vietnam

Education in Vietnam is divided into five levels: preschool, primary school, secondary school, high school and higher education. Formal education consists of twelve years of education basic. Basic education consists of five years of primary education, four years of intermediate education, and three years of secondary education. The majority of basic education students are enrolled on a half-day basis.
The main educational goal in Vietnam is improving people’s general knowledge, training quality human resources and nurturing and fostering talent.[1] With one of the highest GDP growth rates in Asia,[2] Vietnam is currently trying to overhaul its education system, with the importance of internationalizing the education system to maintain the rapid economic growth of the last two decades.

Viêt Nam

Le Viêt Nam, Viet Nam, Vietnam ou Viêtnam, en forme longue la République socialiste du Viêt Nam (République socialiste du Viêtnam), en vietnamien Việt Nam Prononciation du titre dans sa version originale Écouter et Cộng hoà Xã hội Chủ nghĩa Việt Nam Prononciation du titre dans sa version originale Écouter, est un pays d'Asie du Sud-Est situé à l'est de la péninsule indochinoise. Il a une superficie de 330 967 km2 et compte environ 92,7 millions d'habitants en 20161. Il est bordé par la Chine au nord, le Laos, leCambodge et le golfe de Thaïlande à l'ouest et la mer de Chine méridionale à l'est et au sud. Sa capitale est Hanoï.

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