Education in Yemen
The Government of Yemen has made the development of education system its top priority. The share of the budget dedicated to education has remained high during the past decade, averaging between 14 to 20% [1] of the total government expenditure and as of 2000 it is 32.8 percent.[2] The education expenditure is 9.6 percent of GDP for the year 2001 [2] as seen in the chart below. In the strategic vision for the next 25 years since 2000,the government has committed to bring significant changes in the education system, thereby reducing illiteracy to less than 10% by 2025.[3] Although Yemen’s government provides for universal, compulsory, free education for children ages six through 15, the U.S. Department of State reports that compulsory attendance is not enforced. The country ranked 150 out of 177 in the 2006Human Development Index and 121 out of 140 countries in the Gender Development Index(2006).[4] In 2005, 81 percent of Yemen’s school-age population was enrolled in primary school; enrollment of the female population was 74 percent. Then in 2005, about 46 percent of the school-age population was enrolled in secondary school, including only 30 percent of eligible females.[5] The country is still struggling to provide the requisite infrastructure. School facilities and educational materials are of poor quality, classrooms are too few in number, and the teaching faculty is inadequate.
[hide]- 1History of Education
- 2Education Management System
- 3Basic Education
- 4Secondary Education
- 5University Education
- 6Technical Education and Vocational Training (TEVT)
- 7Rising unemployment
- 8Girls' education
- 9Literacy
- 10References
- 11See also
Le Yémen, en forme longue la République du Yémen (arabe al-Yaman, اليَمَن et Al-Jumhuriyah al-Yamaniyah, ﺍﻟﺠﻤﻬﻮﺭﯾّﺔ اليمنية), est un pays arabe situé à la pointe sud-ouest de la péninsule d'Arabie. D'une superficie équivalente à l'Espagne, le pays possède une frontière avec l’Arabie saoudite au nord et avec Oman au nord-est. Il présente une importante façade maritime sur le golfe d’Aden, une moindre sur la mer Rouge, et contrôle avec Djibouti le détroit de Bab-el-Mandeb qui mène vers le canal de Suez. Sa capitale, Sanaa, se situe à l'ouest du pays, et son principal port est Aden.
Dans l'antiquité, le Yémen est un territoire du Royaume de Saba. L’actuelle nation yéménite est née en 1990 de la réunion de la République démocratique et populaire du Yémen (Yémen du Sud) et de la République arabe du Yémen (Yémen du Nord). L'histoire du pays est marquée par une forte instabilité politique, qui perdure encore de nos jours.
Le Yémen se classe 154e sur 187 pays à l'indice de développement humain de l'ONU en 2014.
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