الخميس، 12 مايو 2016

Crinum X powellii

Crinum X powellii

cape lily flower
Whether cared for or not, the incredible cape lily creates copious quantities of big beautiful blossoms all summer long.


In the 19th century, English plant breeders crossed two species of South African crinum lilies -Crinum bulbispermum andC. moorei - to create the hybridCrinum X powellii, or Cape lily. The Cape lily has gone on to become one of the most popular perennials in the southern United States, passed along though generations of gardeners. The Cape lily grows in a mound of arching straplike leaves 3-4 ft (0.8-1.2 m) long which arise from a large, long-necked bulb. The bulb can be as much as 7 in (18 cm) in diameter. The fragrant funnel shaped flowers grow to 4 in (10 cm) long and are borne on leafless stalks in succession from late summer until autumn. Many garden crinums, the "milk and wine lilies", have striped flowers, but Cape lily has flowers that are either all white or all pink. Most cultivars are some shade of pink. 'Cecil Houdyshel', which produces clusters of 6-10 deep rose-pink flowers throughout the summer, is an old time southern favorite. 'Album' has pure white flowers.
The crinum lilies are similar to spider lilies (Hymenocallis) and amaryllises (Amaryllis), but can be distinguished by having basal rosettes of whorled leaves, unlike those of the others which have their leaves in two distinct ranks.


Cape lily (Crinum X powellii) is of garden origin, the result of hybridization between two South African crinum lilies.

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