الثلاثاء، 19 أبريل 2016

education in togo

T proper school.

Education Togo regards itself as the promoter of the community and the facilitator of the respective project. Therefore, Education Togo always strives to involve the local children, parents and teachers, as well as the community’s administrative institutions and influential personalities in every stage of the project. Education Togo also works with local volunteers, who permanently live and work in Togo. Eventually, we want to ensure that the schools are appreciated and maintained so that they provide children with education for many years. Thus, the projects are triggered and implemented by the local communities and funded and overseen by Education Togo. This is how we hope to enable the communities to live a better, healthier and well-educated life.
Why is our set-up so special?

we have team members who live and work on-site, constantly communicate with locals and have excellent contacts in the region as well as with other NGOs. They are part of a network of knowledge, information and skills. These team members are constantly informed about the progress on the construction site and have the possibility to solve any difficulties which might arise. Thus, we ensure the supervision during the implementation stage and we can guarantee that all donations serve their designated purpose.
we only develop projects based on ideas from the community itself, proactively supported by locals and checked for feasibility by our team members. This is how we ensure that our projects are not only accepted, but sustainably integrated in their environment and coordinated with the local needs, so that in the end every donation contributes to successful implementation.
we are a highly motivated, competent team, which has experience in project management and development work. Besides, we dispose of a large network of supporters in Europe and the USA, including professional individuals, companies and universities. Since our team works on an exclusively honorary basis, we guarantee that every donated cent will benefit the projects.

fo un pays d’Afrique de l'Ouest dont la population est estimée en 2015 à environ 7,5 millions d’habitants pour une densité de 133 hab/km².
Le Togo est l’un des plus petits États africains avec 56 785 km2, s’étirant sur environ 700 km du nord au sud avec une largeur n’excédant pas 100 km, limité au nord par le Burkina Faso, au sud par le golfe de Guinée, à l'est par le Bénin et à l'ouest par le Ghana. Cette faible superficie n’empêche pas le Togo d’être reconnu pour la grande diversité de ses paysages (une côte de sable fin bordée de cocotiers au sud, des collines, des vallées verdoyantes et des petites montagnes dans le centre du pays, des plaines arides et de grandes savanes plantées de baobabs au nord).
Le Togo fait partie de la CEDEAO.

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