الأحد، 17 أبريل 2016

Education in Comoros

Education in Comoros

Education Comoros
Known as one of the poorest countries in the world, Comoros, an archipelago in the western Indian Ocean, has struggled to get children enrolled in schools. Education in Comoros is mandatory between the ages of six and 16, yet a large portion of the population still receives little to no education at all. Primary school lasts for six years, followed by seven years of secondary school. However, given that the country only has one university, most students seek higher education abroad.

Comorans attain an average of 2.85 years of schooling, leading to an adult literacy rate of around 75 percent. While under French rule from 1843 to 1975, Comoros based its education system after that of France. Today, the education system is composed of the formal school, taught mainly in French, and the Koranic school, due to the vast majority of Comorans being Sunni Muslims. Often as a result of financial issues, many families opt to send their children to Koranic schools, where students can receive an Islamic education for free.
Despite the school options available, enrollment rates have been on the decline, with schools being affected by political instability and unrest from teacher strikes and student protests. After the country gained independence, a large number of French teachers were let go, causing the system to be plagued by poor teacher training and even poorer results.
Dropout rates are high, with only 35 percent of students advancing to secondary school. Although enrollment for primary schools has improved, the transition to secondary school is only around 60 percent.
To cope with the constraints of the education system, the Education Sector Support Program in Comoros (PASEC) was implemented during the 2005-2010 period in collaboration with the European Union. In spite of that, it was not until recently that the country started seeing results.
Around 320 primary and secondary schools were refurnished and remodeled, while training was provided to school directors, education inspectors and teachers. Around $16.5 million has gone into PASEC and has assisted Comoros in achieving the Millennium Development Goals. With such assistance, net access to primary education has increased by six percent over the span of seven years and the gap between boys and girls enrolled in schools is steadily decreasing

Comores (pays)

Les Comores, en forme longue l'Union des Comores, ancienne République fédérale islamique des Comores (RFIC) (en comorien Komori et Udzima wa Komori, en arabe Djuzur al qamarجزر القمر et al-Ittiḥād al-Qumuriyyالاتّحاد القُمُريّ), est une république fédérale d'Afrique Australe située au nord du canal du Mozambique dans l'océan Indien.
Le pays a pour capitale Moroni, pour langues officielles le shikomor (comorien), parlé par 96,9 % de la population8, l'arabe, et le français et pour monnaie le franc comorien. L'Union des Comores est membre de laLigue arabe, de l'Organisation de la coopération islamique, de l'Organisation internationale de la francophonie et de l'Assemblée parlementaire de la francophonie.
La constitution considère l'Union des Comores composée de quatre îles dont une administrée par la France : ce sont les îles autonomes de Grande Comore, d'Anjouan, de Mohéli ainsi que Mayotte. Cette dernière est considérée comme occupée par la France, avec une condamnation par l'ONU par plus de 20 résolutions9,10. Ancienne colonie française, les Comores obtiennent leur indépendance le .

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