الثلاثاء، 8 ديسمبر 2015

ESL - Real English ESL Videos & Lessons. Completely Free ...

Real English Lessons
Level: Beginner

Normal, Formal, and Informal Greetings, What's your name?, and possessive adjectives.
Level: Beginner

Includes This vs that and an introduction to introducing people.
Level: Absolute Beginner through Advanced!

Almost everyone needs to review their spelling skills. Includes the alphabet chart and 10 people spelling their names.
Level: Beginner

Spelling Test for Beginners. You will meet both native speakers of English and others learning English as a Second Language.
Level: Beginner

A simple beginner clip for more practice with "be". Introduction to "whose" the possessive form of "who".
Level: Beginner

Listening comprehension and vocabulary plus distinctions between countries and nationalities. Expression "How about.. ?"
Level: Beginner

Making introductions, an important social function. Includes spelling review. Family relationships: inlaws, the apostrophe, expressions with get.
Level: Pre-Intermediate

This lesson concentrates on a great deal of useful vocabulary while introducing like as an adverb. Verb be present tense, continued.
Level: Beginner

This lesson is the basis of the 4 other number lessons where we study numbers in specific useful contexts.
Level: Beginner

Ordinal Numbers. The basic form of ordinal numbers with a illustrations.
Level: Beginner

How old are / is, with all subject pronouns. Practice in the affirmative, negative and interrogative. Expression "Do you mind...?"
Level: Beginner

Birthdays and birth dates - use of "in" and "on"  (in February, on February 29th). US vs International date formats. Days of the week.
Level: Beginner

Phone Numbers - US phone format - The use of "O" for zero. More practice with possessives.
Level: Beginner

Telling the time in the USA and UK - Dictation Quiz: the ultimate in listening comprehension, with a constant help module integrated into the quiz itself.
Level: Beginner

Pure Americana - The family members describe each other. Adjectives galore. Antonyms and synonyms. Review of introducing people.
Level: Beginner / Pre-Intermediate

Maital status - Jr. and Sr. (US) - Expression "How dare you...!"Are you married? with other beginner questions.
Level: Beginner

What's the weather like? All sorts of weather, with vocabulary illusrtations followed by a dictation exercise.
Level: Beginner

Stereotypes - Expressing opinions - Use of "self" as prefix (self-confident, etc.) - UK idiom "over the top" - "There" as adverb and pronoun.
Level: Beginner

Adjective vocabulary, adverb "otherwise" - "Well" as adverb-prefix - The British vs The English - Synonyms and Antonyms, part 2.
Level: Pre-Intermediate

Can (to be able to do something) - Present, past, & future forms: Cancould and will be able to - Adverb placement - "Else" as adverb & adjective.
Level: Intermediate

Introduction to the Present Simple & Past Simple - Object Pronouns - A few uses of get - Introduction to the 2nd Conditional and the Present Perfect.
Level: Intermediate

Introduction to the near future - How long for lengths of time - The use of "you guys" as the plural of "you" for both men & women
Level: Beginner

Extensive beginner review of lessons 1 to 14 - Enjoy doing - Everyday adjectives not often found in beginner lessons.
Level: Intermediate

Use of like as an adverb - Introduction the the Present Simple with ago - Idiom: let one's hair down.
Level: Beginner / Pre-Intermediate

Can you tell me the way to...? - A typical reply: "Go up to the lights and turn right, then turn left at the stop sign. It's the church on your right."
Level: Pre-Intermediate

Introduction to the Present Continuous: Eleven examples of going to a place - On one's way as synonym - Head as verb.
Level: Pre-Intermediate

Introduction to the Present Simple (Do / Does) - Job activities - The use of "so" for agreement - Grammar recap of this verb tense.
Level: Pre-Intermediate

Do vs Doing with the Customer Service Representative - Airport vocabulary - Excellent job description based on reality.
Level: Pre-Intermediate

Includes US/UK variations: pudding, + whatever, "How about...? etc. Gallon / liter conversion - Requests with Can & Can't.
Level: Pre-Intermediate

The Simple Present for Jobs - Doing vs Do, as natural as it gets - Review, pronunciation of G & J - Have to and must - Job jargon - One's own (songs).
Level: Pre-Intermediate

Reinforcement of "What do you do?" Is that your dream job? What IS your dream job? - "Run" for "manage" - "heart-wrenching", "entrepreneur".
Level: Pre-Intermediate / Intermediate

Like to do = Like doing - Verbs followed by gerunds - Reflexive pronouns - Like as an interjection, in addition to its main use - A typical use of "stuff".
Level: Pre-Intermediate

Continuation like to do = like doing - Acre / hectare conversion - Phrasal verb hang out - Take drives = go for drives.
Level: Pre-Intermediate

A Unique Use of the Present Simple: How long for duations of time - How + adjectives, a very different "How long" (How large, how deep, etc.).
Level: Intermediate

Another common use of the Present Simple - Prepositions - Brief intro to the Present Perfect - Expression "Born and raised" - Say vs tell.
Level: Pre-Intermediate

Do vs Doing II - Actions happening in a period around the present moment in time. - I've just arrived: use of Present Perfect with "just".
Level: Beginner / Pre-Intermediate

Extensive practice with the Present Continuous - Present progressive grammar - Basic forms (infinitives) and present continuous forms.
Level: Beginner / Pre-Intermediate

A wide range of clothing bocabulary - Present progressive grammar - Basic forms (infinitives) and present continuous forms.
Level: Pre-Intermediate

Joey from Hollywood, Florida. This clip puts the emphasis on grammar: superlatives, gerunds, conditionals & Q + A tags.
Level: Pre-Intermediate

The near future & use of so "I don't think so." - Expressions "I can't really say.", etc.
Level: Pre-Intermediate

Vocabulary-rich descriptions - Introduction to the Present Perfect - The use of "would" for requests.
Level: Pre-Intermediate

Were you good at school? Past of be - So + auxiliary verb + subject for agreeing with someone: so was heso were they....
Level: Beginner

Introducing the Simple Past "Did" with irregular verb - Possessive Nouns - Grammar recap of regular and irregular verbs.
Level: Pre-Intermediate

Extensive practice with the past simple, includes ago. - Asking oneself a question - So did he; so did I.
Level: Pre-Intermediate

Used to + infinitive - A unique form of the past tense. Contrast with I am used to doing something.
Level: Intermediate

The Present Perfect 1 - The present perfect essentials. British and N. American differrences in the use of this tense.
Level: Intermediate

Happy newlyweds bring us the Present Perfect 2 with done, andfor vs since - Use of the superlative.
Level: Intermediate

James Jackson delivers the Present Perfect 3 thanks to the interviewer's question - How long have...? - Expression "It pays the bills." etc.
Level: Upper Intermediate

3 Conditional tenses - Vocab.: one of many phrasal verbs usinghold: "hold on" (with 4 definitions) - What should he have done?
Level: Intermediate

The Present Perfect & Present Perfect Continuous are always used with other verb tenses as we see in this lesson.
Level: Intermediate

Fernando - How to learn English or any other second language. Two opinions reflecting two types of language learners.
Level: Beginner / Intermediate

8 videos and 65 exercises about the why & how of Walking in America. Why don't people in the USA walk? What's your score? 
Level: Intermediate

Have you ever lived in another country? Can you make a comparison or contrast between (that country) and the USA?

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