الاثنين، 4 أبريل 2016
شهادة التعليم المتوسط 2011 - المواضيع و التصحيحات
شهادة التعليم المتوسط 2011 - المواضيع و التصحيحات
موضوع اللغة العربية التصحيح النموذجي من وزارة التربية
موضوع اللغة الفرنسية التصحيح النموذجي من وزارة التربيةموضوع اللغة الإنجليزية التصحيح النموذجي من وزارة التربية
موضوع الرياضيات التصحيح النموذجي من وزارة التربية
موضوع العلوم الطبيعية التصحيح النموذجي من وزارة التربية
موضوع العلوم الفيزيائية التصحيح النموذجي من وزارة التربية
موضوع التربية الإسلامية التصحيح النموذجي من وزارة التربية
موضوع التاريخ و الجغرافيا التصحيح النموذجي من وزارة التربية
موضوع التربية المدنية التصحيح النموذجي من وزارة التربية
موضوع الأمازيغية التصحيح النموذجي من وزارة التربية
شهادة التعليم المتوسط 2012 - المواضيع و التصحيحات
شهادة التعليم المتوسط 2012 - المواضيع و التصحيحات
موضوع اللغة العربية التصحيح النموذجي
موضوع اللغة الفرنسية التصحيح النموذجي
موضوع اللغة الإنجليزية التصحيح النموذجي
موضوع الرياضيات التصحيح النموذجي
موضوع العلوم الطبيعية التصحيح النموذجي
موضوع العلوم الفيزيائية التصحيح النموذجي
موضوع التربية الإسلامية التصحيح النموذجي
موضوع التاريخ و الجغرافيا التصحيح النموذجي
موضوع التربية المدنية التصحيح النموذجي
موضوع الأمازيغية التصحيح النموذجي
شهادة التعليم المتوسط 2013 -ا لمواضيع و التصحيحات
شهادة التعليم المتوسط 2013 -ا لمواضيع و التصحيحات
موضوع اللغة العربية التصحيح النموذجي
موضوع اللغة الفرنسية التصحيح النموذجي
موضوع اللغة الإنجليزية التصحيح النموذجي
موضوع الرياضيات التصحيح النموذجي
موضوع العلوم الطبيعية التصحيح النموذجي
موضوع العلوم الفيزيائية التصحيح النموذجي
موضوع التربية الإسلامية التصحيح النموذجي
موضوع التاريخ و الجغرافيا التصحيح النموذجي
موضوع التربية المدنية التصحيح النموذجي
موضوع الأمازيغية التصحيح النموذجي
مواضيع و حلول شهادة التعليم المتوسط 2015
اللغة العربية
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اللغة الفرنسية
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اللغة الانجليزية
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التربية الإسلامية
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التاريخ و الجغرافيا
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العلوم الطبيعية
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العلوم الفيزيائية
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التربية المدنية
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اللغة الأمازيغية
Digitization of Education: Great Change in Teaching-Learning Trends
Digitization of Education: Great Change in Teaching-Learning Trends
Information technology has reformed each sector it has grasped and it is currently in the promising phases of altering academia. In the coming decades if information technology has its approach, education will be far changed, more immersive and hopefully more constructive to the people than it is today. Digitization in education industry has totally changed the learning and also the teaching process to a very great extent.
Technology has made imparting education stress-free for both students and educators. Schools are gradually implementing digital teaching solutions to involve with a generation of learners familiar with the likes of PlayStations and iPads and trying to make the classroom atmosphere more broad and participatory. Information and communication technology in education has facilitated student understanding, students are perhaps the most ready and exposed to external education but they are in the best situation to absorb what comes up in the classroom. Currently students live in a world that is constantly linked and alive outside the class room, so traditional methods won’t work now. The true revolution in education can only be achieved via digitization of education so that students can learn at their own speed both within and outside the classroom. Their learning upgrades while they carry on to advantage from fostering, mentorship and direction of their teachers.
Various teachers are ready to accept the wave of digitization but more effort still need to be exercised when it comes to teacher training. Outmoded teaching methods need to meet with 21st century teaching and learning trends. By getting digitalize, the material has the power to involve students in methods that aren’t possible with stationary pages. Educators who have expressed that difficulty in engaging students is one of the major tests of their jobs, have described the feeling of joy when they see, something click in a student’s eyes.
Applying communicating content through fluid illustrations and text addresses challenges that traditional manuals could never overcome. Apple, Amazon, HP, Microsoft and many, all are contributing at great extent in the digitization of education by their tablets, ipods, notebooks etc. Education is an immense and fast rising division, which is leading the growth of notebooks. There is improved notebook need for students and educational institutions. Digital programme platforms in schools, colleges and universities are some of the new trends. Educomp Solutions’ Take Smartclass is one of the first Indian companies in this space. Smartclass is basically a digital content library of mapped curriculum, multimedia and 3D content. It also facilitates lecturers to speedily judge how much of a certain lesson students have been able to adapt during the class.
Digitization is prompting higher education also as never before. Nothing is unavoidable and we have the supremacy to form the way we use technologies. The digital revolution is edging its way into the classroom. It is now possible to have a archive in every classroom or even in the pocket. As Google Chief Eric Schmidt has said, ‘the internet isn’t making inevitable change faster; it has become the engine of change’.
As online education has been adapted by many universities, it has made approachable and shorten the distance between a student and his/her dreams. Online education is a type of distance learning. There is no need to attend the college or university in person. Coursera is an educational technology company which works with universities to make some of their courses available online. E-learning or computer-based training includes all forms of electronically supported learning and teaching. It also includes educational technology.
As considering some of its demerits, classrooms nowadays have become movie halls with audiovisual content, with no communication between students and teachers. The relationship between the student and professor will possibly be blurred.
This grouping of traditional training instructions united with digitized learning is one of the ways we can make our future generations to become global contributors who can interconnect across culture, time and geographies.
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