الاثنين، 31 يوليو 2017
الأحد، 30 يوليو 2017
السبت، 29 يوليو 2017
Definitions of Educational Technology
Definitions of Educational Technology
History of the Definitions
Edtech’s [educational technology’s] definition has evolved over the years as a variation of ways of dealing with learning processes (2), a conceptual framework (9), theory and practice (5), and the latest study and ethical practices of dealing with technological processes and resources (1). [8]
Audiovisual communications is the branch of educational theory and practice concerned with the design and use of messages which control the learning process. It undertakes: (a) the study of the unique and relative strengths and weaknesses of both pictorial and nonrepresentational messages which may be employed in the learning process for any reason; and (b) the structuring and systematizing of messages by men and instruments in an educational environment. These undertakings include planning, production, selection, management, and utilization of both components and entire instructional systems. Its practical goal is the efficient utilization of every method and medium of communication which can contribute to the development of the learners’ full potential. [2]
Educational technology is a field involved in the facilitation of human learning through systematic identification, development, organization and utilization of a full-range of learning resources and through the management of these processes. [3]
Educational technology is a complex, integrated process involving people, procedures, ideas, devices and organization for analyzing problems and devising, implementing, evaluating and managing solutions to those problems involved in all aspects of human learning. [4]
Instructional technology is the theory and practice of design, development, utilization, management and evaluation of processes and resources for learning.[5]
- Richey, R. C., Silber, K. H., & Ely, D. P. (2008). Reflections on the 2008 AECT Definitions of the Field. TechTrends, 52(1), 24-25.
- Ely, D.P. (1963). The changing role of the audiovisual process in education: A definition and a glossary of related terms. TCP Monograph No. 1. AV Communication Review, 11(1). Supplement No:6.
- Association for Educational Communications and Technology. (1972). The field of educational technology: a statement of definition. Audio-visual Instruction, 17(8), 36-43.
- Association for Educational Communications and Technology (1977). The definition of educational technology. Washington, D.C.: Association for Educational Communications and Technology.
- Seels, B. B., & Richey, R. C. (1994). Instructional technology: The definition and domains of the field. Washington, DC: Association for Educational Communications and Technology.
- The Encyclopedia of Educational Technology. What is Educational Technology? Retrieved from: http://www.etc.edu.cn/eet/eet/articles/edtech/index.htm
- Spector, J. M. (2015). Foundations of educational technology: Integrative approaches and interdisciplinary perspectives. Routledge.
- Hsu, Y. C., Hung, J. L., & Ching, Y. H. (2013). Trends of educational technology research: More than a decade of international research in six SSCI-indexed refereed journals. Educational Technology Research and Development, 61(4), 685-705.
- Davies, I. K., & Schwen, T. M. (1972). Toward a Definition of Instructional Development.
الجمعة، 28 يوليو 2017
TLEMCEN: 8041 candidats admis à l'examen du baccalauréat, soit un taux de 54,45%.
TLEMCEN: 8041 candidats admis à l'examen du baccalauréat, soit un taux de 54,45%
TLEMCEN: 8041 candidats admis à l'examen du baccalauréat, soit un taux de 54,45%.
Sur les 16332 candidates et candidats ayant pris part à l'examen du baccalauréat de la session de juin écoulé, seuls 8041 candidats ont été admis, soit un taux de 54,45% (52,79% en 2016 et 50,89% en 2015). La meilleure moyenne a été obtenue par Chemlal Nassima filières en sciences appliquées au lycée nouveau Remchi, la seconde place au candidat Yacoub Abdelghani sciences économiques lycée Boumechra Miloudi Tlemcen.
Le classement des lycées :75,50% lycée Mostefaoui Mostefa de Nedroma, 73,43% lycée Nehali Abdelkader Béni Snous, 71,34% lycée Mohammed Dekhissi Ouled Bendamou Maghnia.
Les lycées classés dans les dernières positions : lycée Mechernene Mohammed Bensekrane 41,61%, Lycée Boukarabila Sebdou 40,08%, lycée Moufdi Zakaria Maghnia 38,35%, lycée Yaghmoracen Tlemcen 37,23%, lycée Polyvalent Ouled Mimoun 35,18%, lycée de Bouihi 21,43%,
37 lycées sur les 55 ont obtenu plus de 50% d'admis.
Sur les 16332 candidates et candidats ayant pris part à l'examen du baccalauréat de la session de juin écoulé, seuls 8041 candidats ont été admis, soit un taux de 54,45% (52,79% en 2016 et 50,89% en 2015). La meilleure moyenne a été obtenue par Chemlal Nassima filières en sciences appliquées au lycée nouveau Remchi, la seconde place au candidat Yacoub Abdelghani sciences économiques lycée Boumechra Miloudi Tlemcen.
Le classement des lycées :75,50% lycée Mostefaoui Mostefa de Nedroma, 73,43% lycée Nehali Abdelkader Béni Snous, 71,34% lycée Mohammed Dekhissi Ouled Bendamou Maghnia.
Les lycées classés dans les dernières positions : lycée Mechernene Mohammed Bensekrane 41,61%, Lycée Boukarabila Sebdou 40,08%, lycée Moufdi Zakaria Maghnia 38,35%, lycée Yaghmoracen Tlemcen 37,23%, lycée Polyvalent Ouled Mimoun 35,18%, lycée de Bouihi 21,43%,
37 lycées sur les 55 ont obtenu plus de 50% d'admis.
الخميس، 27 يوليو 2017
Educational Technology at EAS
Educational Technology at EAS
Right now, at this very moment in time, the world is involved in the most rapid technology shift ever dreamed of. People are learning from their peers, the internet, video, chat sites, blogs and podcasts. Schools are faced with the challenge of providing students with an education that is suited for these fast-changing times. Technology is a core element of such an education and the use of digital equipment enables students to access information, collaborate, communicate, create, and innovate in ways that were impossible in the past.
At EAS we offer many up-to-date technologies for our students. The focus of our technology use always revolves around student learning. Through on-going training of both staff and students we strive to enhance learning with the effective, efficient, and responsible use of technology.
Our primary school has sets of iPads for each grade level from Early Learning to Grade 4. Students use these iPads integrated into the class lessons to create stories, write books, do research, practice math, and much more.
Our grades 5-6-7 have access to laptop carts that are available for teachers to check out and use in the classroom. The students in grades 8-9 are part of our 1:1 laptop program where each student has a MacBook to use at home and at school. In the school year 2015-16 the 1:1 laptop program will be expanded to include grades 7-10.
Our ICT department installs and maintains the necessary communications infrastructure: Internet, library systems, blog sites, web sites, wireless, school information system, printers, and servers to support the educational technology needs of the students, staff, and parents in our school.
Immersive Technology and Classroom AV Prepare Salem Lutheran Students for Bright Futures
In the last two issues, we focused on choosing the right AV products and technologies for educational environments and some of the challenges and opportunities integrators face on these jobs. In this issue, we will switch to the educator's point of view to look at one school's technology program and how classroom AV and one-to-one computing combine to enhance their curriculum.
AV in Schools – A Brief HistoryImmersive technology programs have emerged over the past two decades since computers first found a place in classrooms. Computer "stations" in classrooms were first used to introduce students and teachers to the fundamentals of computer-based learning, and to allow them to experiment with a variety of educational software. During the computer industry boom of the 1990s, widespread home PC use, hardware advancements, and falling costs combined to reinforce broad-scale technology integration in schools. These new tools shaped the way teachers present materials to their students, and, as Salem Lutheran School in Orange, California, demonstrates, the way that students can present their work to their teachers and their classmates. Salem Lutheran has an ambitious goal: transform its current curricula into a fully integrated, one-to-one learning system by the beginning of the 2008-2009 school year. The Salem one-to-one learning system provides each teacher and student in grades 3 through 8 with his or her own powerful, full-featured wireless laptop for use in the classroom and at home. These laptops will be used to improve the in-class educational experience by connecting students to Salem's online curriculum and empowering them with an "anytime and anywhere" learning opportunity, including doing homework outside the classroom network.New Avenues of LearningWhen these laptops are used in an AV-integrated classroom, students are exposed to a wide array of learning resources that expand the limits of the classroom walls, ensuring students are getting the best possible education from a variety of engaging, interactive sources. Outside their classrooms, the students continue to use their laptops around campus, staying connected through the campus-wide Wi-Fi network. At home, parents can monitor their child's in-class work and assist with homework using the same laptop.
Salem teachers are being trained to blend traditional learning skills with those skills needed in the digital age. One-to-one programs aren't meant to replace textbooks with laptops; rather, they are designed to supplement textbook learning, providing a more robust curriculum than available through books alone.
A New AV InfrastructureThis year, as classes become fitted with the AV tools needed for this program, 15 classrooms at Salem have been upgraded with Extron PoleVault® Systems. With all of the technological advancements taking place within each classroom, Salem teachers emphasized their desire for convenient, easy-to-use systems. Based upon the teachers' needs as well as the administration's requirements for a reliable, cost-effective solution, the Extron PVS 300 PoleVault system was chosen as an ideal match. The PVS 300 accommodates three source inputs and includes a switcher with integrated audio amplifier, full-range ceiling speakers, all cables, mounting hardware, and projector control. The teachers like the simplicity of the wall-mounted control panel and the fact that there are no remotes to misplace. The administration appreciates the economical, all-inclusive nature of the PoleVault System. Plus, because all of the products used in PoleVault Systems are manufactured by Extron and designed to work together, Salem Lutheran can be confident that there won't be installation or support issues.Classroom AV ControlWithin each classroom, the MLC 104 IP Plus MediaLink Controller provides simple and convenient projector control. Teachers simply press the backlit buttons to turn on the projector and choose between sources, PC1 (teacher), PC2 (student), DVD, or VCR. As an example of how Salem's one-to-one learning works, the teacher, using a laptop, instructs the students on the solar system using PowerPoint® slides and Web pages projected onto a screen in the front of the classroom. When a student has a presentation of their own, they will be able to plug their own laptop into the classroom AV equipment via the Extron PVT RGB D wall-mounted VGA computer video input wallplate at the front of the class, and share their presentation or discoveries. This allows both the teacher and the students to continually interact, and results in a noticeable increase in student engagement.
Philip Duerr, Principal at Salem Lutheran, sums up his school's venture into one-to-one learning nicely. "As a classroom teacher, I know technology is powerful in helping educators motivate students and enhance instruction. The Salem program will open the doors to a wide range of learning opportunities, will allow our children to better analyze, access, and critically evaluate volumes of information, and be able to present what they have learned in a digital format."
Whether the strategy is for a staged or a fullscale implementation, immersive technology programs rely on a solid AV infrastructure and careful planning. Among the numerous AV integration issues, ease-of-use, product support, and cost-effectiveness may be the most profound factors affecting purchasing decisions. Professional AV system integrators experienced in classroom AV will work to address all concerns, and will have many answers to your questions from the star
الأربعاء، 26 يوليو 2017
Technology in schools: Future changes in classrooms
echnology has the power to transform how people learn - but walk into some classrooms and you could be forgiven for thinking you were entering a time warp.
There will probably be a whiteboard instead of the traditional blackboard, and the children may be using laptops or tablets, but plenty of textbooks, pens and photocopied sheets are still likely.
And perhaps most strikingly, all desks will face forwards, with the teacher at the front.
The curriculum and theory have changed little since Victorian times, according to the educationalist and author Marc Prensky.
"The world needs a new curriculum," he said at the recent Bett show, a conference dedicated to technology in education. "We have to rethink the 19th Century curriculum."
Most of the education products on the market are just aids to teach the existing curriculum, he says, based on the false assumption "we need to teach better what we teach today".
He feels a whole new core of subjects is needed, focusing on the skills that will equip today's learners for tomorrow's world of work. These include problem-solving, creative thinking and collaboration.
'Flipped' classrooms
One of the biggest problems with radically changing centuries-old pedagogical methods is that no generation of parents wants their children to be the guinea pigs.
Mr Prensky he thinks we have little choice, however: "We are living in an age of accelerating change. We have to experiment and figure out what works."
"We are at the ground floor of a new world full of imagination, creativity, innovation and digital wisdom. We are going to have to create the education of the future because it doesn't exist anywhere today."
He might be wrong there. Change is already afoot to disrupt the traditional classroom.
The "flipped" classroom - the idea of inverting traditional teaching methods by delivering instructions online outside of the classroom and using the time in school as the place to do homework - has gained in popularity in US schools.
The teacher's role becomes one of a guide, while students watch lectures at home at their own pace, communicating with classmates and teachers online.
Salman Khan is one of the leading advocates of "flipped" classrooms, having first posted tutorials in maths for his young cousins on YouTube in 2004.
Their huge popularity led to the creation of the not-for-profit Khan Academy, offering educational videos with complete curricula in maths and other subjects.
The project has caught the eye of the US Department of Education, which is currently running a $3m (£1.9m) trial to gauge the effectiveness of the method. Now the idea has reached the UK.
Teachers 'surprised'
Mohammed Telbany heads the IT department at Sudbury Primary School in Suffolk. He has been experimenting with the "flipped" classroom and recently expanded it to other lessons.
"The teachers facilitate, rather than standing in front of the children telling them what to do, and the children just come in and get on with what they are doing," he says.
"It has surprised the teachers that the kids can excel on their own, with minimal teaching intervention."
In the developing world where, according to some estimates, up to 57 million children are unable to attend primary school, the idea of children learning without much adult intervention is a necessity not a luxury.
Prof Sugata Mitra, from Newcastle University, has been experimenting with self-learning since his famous hole-in-the-wall computer experiments in the slums of Delhi in 1999.
He was amazed at how quickly the children learned how to use the machines with no adult supervision or advice.
From that was born the idea of "cloud grannies" - retired professionals from the UK, mentoring groups of children in India via Skype.
He won the $1m Ted prize in 2013 to build a series of self-organising learning environments in both the UK and India.
In January he completed the last of seven such units - a striking solar-powered glass building amid the lush vegetation of the village of Gocharan in West Bengal.
There will be no teachers and up to 40 children can participate when it suits them. They will have the internet at their disposal and will work in small groups. E-mediators will mentor the children via Skype.
Dr Suneeta Kulkarni, research director of the School in the Cloud project, said children would "engage in a variety of activities that are driven by their interest and curiosity", with games typically tried first.
The children will also be asked "big questions" that they can answer online.
"At yet other times these questions emerge from what the children 'wonder' about. It is also where the grannies or e-mediators are expected to play a significant role," she said.
Classroom games
When Canadian teacher and computer programmer Shawn Young wanted to spruce up his lessons, his first thought was gaming.
It was a platform many of his students were familiar with and something that was proven to engage children.
But it also had a bad reputation in teaching circles - thought to be too violent, addictive and without educational merit.
Some early attempts to integrate educational content within games failed. But what makes Classcraft different is that it is not about content - it is more a behaviour-management and motivation tool.
"The teacher teaches as normal. Teachers can offer pupils points for good behaviour, asking questions, or working well in their teams and it gives them access to real life powers," Mr Young says.
Those powers are decided by the teachers and may include handing in homework a day late.
There are also penalties for those not concentrating in class, turning up late or being disruptive.
Children play the game in teams, which means a lost point affects the entire group, and encourages them to work together.
"It is being used in a school in Texas which has a mix of white, Mexican and Afro-Americans. They would never normally speak to each other," said Mr Young.
Teachers using the system - some 100,000 have signed up since it launched in August - have noted not just better interaction between pupils, but better classroom engagement and motivation.
"As in other games there are sometimes random events, which could be something like everyone having to speak like a pirate for the day or the teacher having to sing a song in class. The kids love it."
الادارة العامة الجديدة
الادارة العامة الجديدة
العنوان: الادارة العامة الجديدة
عن الكتاب:
الهدف من هذا الكتاب
معرفة الأفكار التي تساعد المديرين وتجعلهم يتحكمون بنجاح في تسيير المؤسسة المدرسية وذلك قصد ترقية المدرسة والتعليم ورفع مردوديتها وتحقيق نجاعة في التسيير وفعالية في إنجاز العمليات التربوية و الإدارية.
معرفة المديرين للخصائص والمميزات التي ينبغي أن يعرفوها لضمان علاقة جيدة من شأنها أن تلعب دورا في تعزيز النشاط الإداري والتربوي الناجح.
معرفة الأفكار التي تساعد المديرين وتجعلهم يتحكمون بنجاح في تسيير المؤسسة المدرسية وذلك قصد ترقية المدرسة والتعليم ورفع مردوديتها وتحقيق نجاعة في التسيير وفعالية في إنجاز العمليات التربوية و الإدارية.
معرفة المديرين للخصائص والمميزات التي ينبغي أن يعرفوها لضمان علاقة جيدة من شأنها أن تلعب دورا في تعزيز النشاط الإداري والتربوي الناجح.
تأليف: عقونى محمد
العنوان: كيف تصبح صحفيا ناجحا
عن الكتاب:
كيف تصبح مراسلا صحفيا : عنوان هذا الكتاب
مهم لكل المراسلين و المحررين الإعلاميين من قراءة هذا الكتاب يكشف عن كتابة و تحرير الأخبار التي يبثها الإعلام المكتوب و المرئي و حتى الالكتروني .
- يعرض هذا الكتاب القوالب الصحفية
- يحتوي على سبعة عشر فصلا و هي خصائص المراسل الصحفي ثم دور وسائل الإعلام
- الصحافة فن الخبر الصحفي ، الكتابة التلفزيون ،
- فن الحديث الصحفي ، فن التحقيق الصحفي
- فن التقرير الصحفي ،فن العمود الصحفي
- الإشهار الصحفي ، -أهمية وكالات الأنباء
- الحملة الإعلامية ،الصحافة الالكترونية ،حرية الصحافة
- أخلاقيات الصحافة ،قانون الإعلام ، علوم الصحافة و أخيرا عناوين مهمة للتكوين المتواصل في بحر الصحافة و الإعلام .
مهم لكل المراسلين و المحررين الإعلاميين من قراءة هذا الكتاب يكشف عن كتابة و تحرير الأخبار التي يبثها الإعلام المكتوب و المرئي و حتى الالكتروني .
- يعرض هذا الكتاب القوالب الصحفية
- يحتوي على سبعة عشر فصلا و هي خصائص المراسل الصحفي ثم دور وسائل الإعلام
- الصحافة فن الخبر الصحفي ، الكتابة التلفزيون ،
- فن الحديث الصحفي ، فن التحقيق الصحفي
- فن التقرير الصحفي ،فن العمود الصحفي
- الإشهار الصحفي ، -أهمية وكالات الأنباء
- الحملة الإعلامية ،الصحافة الالكترونية ،حرية الصحافة
- أخلاقيات الصحافة ،قانون الإعلام ، علوم الصحافة و أخيرا عناوين مهمة للتكوين المتواصل في بحر الصحافة و الإعلام .
تأليف: محمد عقوني
الثلاثاء، 25 يوليو 2017
نتائج البكالوريا 2017
نتائج البكالوريا 2017
الديوان الوطني للامتحانات والمسابقات
نتائج بكالوريا الجزائر 2017 – باقي ساعتين وتظهر نتائج البكالوريا 2017 عبر رسائل SMS من خلال الهواتف النقالة وذلك في تمام الساعة 14:00، ثم بعد ساعة يتم استخراج نتائج الباك عبر موقع الديوان الوطني للامتحانات، والمقرر عقد المؤتمر الصحفي اليوم الثلاثاء 25 جويليه 2017 وتظهر بعده نتائج bac onec dz في جميع الولايات الجزائرية، وذلك ما أعلنت عنه وزيرة التربية الوطنية بالجزائر السيدة “نورية بن غبريت” عبر موقع وزارة التربية الوطنية، كما هنأت سيادة الوزيرة الناجحين مقدما معلنة عبر صفحتها الرسمية بالفيسبوك عن طريقة الحصول على نتائج البكالوريا 2017 الجزائر.
وقد انتهى طلبة وطالبات البكالوريا بالجزائر من أداء امتحانات نهاية العام الدراسي 2016-2017م في منتصف شهر جوان الماضي، وينتظر الجميع ظهور نتائج bac.onec.dz للاطمئنان على ما بذلوه من جهد طوال العام الدراسي، وليطمئنوا على المرحلة التعليمية المستقبلية حيث أنها تعتبر سنه مصيرية يتحدد بها مستقبل الطالب أو الطالبة القادم، في دخول المرحلة العليا من التعليم واختيار الكليات وفق نسب النجاح..
نتائج شهادة البكالوريا دورة 2017
ستظهر الثلاثاء 25 جويلية نتائج شهادة البكالوريا دورة 2017 بجميع ولايات الجزائر كما أعلنت وزيرة التربية الوطنية “بن غبريت” في تمام الساعة 14.00، وذلك من خلال بوست نشرته سيادة الوزيرة عبر صفحتها الرسمية على مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي الفيس بوك
وأوضحت وزيرة التربية الوطنية بالجزائر انه يمكن الحصول على نتائج البكالوريا دورة 2017 من خلال موقع الديوان الوطني للامتحانات والمسابقات، وكذالك من خلال الاتصال بالرقم الموضح بالصورة #567* وقد سأل احد الطلبة المنتظر الإعلان عن النتائج.
نتائج بكالوريا الجزائر 2017
من المقرر اليوم الثلاثاء أن تعلن وزيرة التربية الوطنية نسب النجاح وأسماء أوائل الطلبة والطالبات بمرحلة البكالوريا، ومن خلال المواقع الرسمية المخصصة للاستعلام عن نتائج البكالوريا برقم التسجيل سوف يتم استخراج النتائج عقب رفع النتائج بتلك المواقع.
موقع الديوان الوطني للامتحانات
وسيتم إعلان نتائج البكالوريا الجزائر 2017 عبر موقع الديوان الوطني للامتحان والمسابقات بالجزائر، ورابط مباشر للحصول على نتائج البكالوريا الجزائر 2017، عن طريق استخدام رقم التسجيل وهو نفس الرقم المدوّن على الاستدعاء الخاص بإجراء الامتحان، والرقم السري.
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