الثلاثاء، 19 يناير 2016

Your computer's file system

Your computer's file system

Folders on the desktop
No matter which operating system you use, your computer uses folders to organize all of the different files and applications it contains. Folder icons on your computer are designed to look like file folders full of documents or pictures.
Each operating system has its own file system, which helps you find your folders and files. If your PC runs on Windows 7 or earlier, your file system will be calledWindows Explorer (not to be confused with Internet Explorer, which is the PC's pre-installed web browser). If your PC runs on Windows 8, the file system will be called File Explorer. The file system for Macs is called Finder. Here, we'll talk about the basic functions that are common to all computer file systems.
To find out more about file systems on Macs, check out the lesson on Working with Files in our OS X Basics tutorial. To learn more about PC file systems, take a look at the Working with Files lesson in ourWindows Basics tutorial.

Opening your computer's file system

Whether you're using a PC or a Mac, the file system icon will be in the bottom-left part of the screen. On a PC, theWindows Explorer icon looks like a folder, as in the image below.
screenshot of Windows 8
On a Mac, the Finder icon looks like a face and will be located in your Dock, as seen below.
screenshot of OS X
In both operating systems, you can also open the file system by clicking a folder from your desktop.

Basic navigation

Whether you're using Windows Explorer or Finder, basic navigation is the same. If you see the file you want, you can double-click it. Otherwise, you can use the Navigation pane on the left side of the window to select a different location.
screenshot of Windows 8

Deleting files

Windows and OS X use a Trash can—or Recycle Bin—to prevent you from accidentally deleting files. When you delete a file, it is moved to the Trash can. If you change your mind, you can move the file back to its original location. If you're sure you want to permanently delete the file, you will need to empty the trash or recycle bin.

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